lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

Backen mit der Maus: Apple Crumble

Krumelaepfel (Apple Crumble)


This recipe is from my favorite baking book.


Unfortunately I forgot to make the picture to show you! Here I just steal this picture online. :D Maybe someone can put a foto here.

For 4-5 people portions:
  • 250g Butter
  • 300g Flour
  • 240g Sugar
  • 3 middle size apple
  • juice from one lemon
  • cinnamon

First, apply some butter to the baking form and set the oven temperature to 180 degree. Then mix the flour, sugar and melted butter together. Just leave the mixture in the fridge for a while. Cut the apples to small pieces. Take the mixture from the fridge and mix with the apple pieces. Put everything together in the form and into the oven, baking for 25 mins.

Now enjoy it...maybe with some vanilla icecream! :D

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