jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Complex butter cookies

500 g de harina
250 g de mantequilla pomada (temperatura ambiente)
125 g de azúcar glas tamizado
10 cucharadas soperas de leche (75 ml)
Horno precalentado a 180ºC
Horneamos durante 15 minuto

Si queremos hacer las galletas de chocolate:
400 g de harina
75 g de cacao en polvo
1 cucharadita de canela
Mantequilla, azúcar glas y leche: ídem receta anterior

Sobre una superficie lisa y limpia, hacemos una montañita con la harina.

[Incorporamos el cacao en polvo puro sin azúcar]

Incorporamos el azúcar glas tamizado

 Hacemos un hueco en el centro formando un volcán

[Añadimos la canela]
Añadimos la mantequilla pomada (blandita) 

Incorporamos también la leche

Con una mano, uniremos todos estos ingredientes

Cuando la masa vaya redondeándose y no se pegue en las manos, significará que ya está lista para empezar a trabajar. Es importante no trabajarla demasiado.

Utilizamos papel de horno para que no se pegue la masa en el rodillo ni en la mesa. Cuando la masa esté estirada, es importante dejarla en la nevera al menos 30 minutos para que adquiera firmeza.

¡Ya está lista para cortar!  



lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Judith's style Panna Cotta with Strawberry sauce

When Judith came back from Italy she made us a very nice dinner to celebrate it. I really enjoyed everything: the homemade pesto, the different  types of pasta...but what I could not take out of my head since then is the Panna Cotta.  It is a very simple to prepare italian dessert but I had never taste it before.
Here I let you my version


- 250 ml heavy cream (Crema de leche)
- 250 ml full cream milk
-  5 /6 flavorless gelatin sheets
-  1 vanilla pod *
- Fresh forest's fruits
- 150g icing sugar


1. Put the gelatin sheets in cold water to hydrate
2. In a saucepan slowly heat the milk and the heavy cream. When hot, add the vainilla pod and the sugar. Whisk gently until it starts to boil. Then take it out of the fire.
3. Add the gelatin sheets (previously drained) and whisk until incorporate
4. Divide the mixture into small bowls and let it cold down.
5. Once the temperature comes down a little bit, put the bowls in the fridge a few hours to harden the gelatin
6. Serve it with the forest fruits

* It is not enough to put vanilla in boiling milk to get a nice flavor, to aromatize the milk with the vanilla you must prepare the pod in advance. With a sharp knife, cut the pod from up and down without making two pieces and open the pod with the fingers to show the seeds. Now you can add the opened pod to the milk

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

Simple Butter Cookies


300 g mantequilla
2 huevos
5 tazas harina
1 taza azúcar
1 cucharadita esencia vainilla

1. Con la ayuda de una batidora, trabajar la mantequilla hasta que quede cremosa.
2. Agregar el azúcar y seguir batiendo. 
3. Incorporar los huevos y la vainilla, removiendo constantemente.
4. Agregar la harina y seguir batiendo hasta obtener una masa espesa. 
5. Comenzar a amasar a mano y seguir añadiendo harina hasta que la masa sea fácil de manejar y no se pegue en los dedos.
6. Con un rollo extender la masa sobre una superficie harinada, formando una lámina de medio dedo de grosor. 
7.Con los moldes cortar las galletas y colocarlas en una bandeja con papel de horno.
8. Hornear las galletas a 180 grados durante 15 minutos o hasta que estén doradas.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Chocolate Salami

Chocolate salami4.00 out of 50 based on 3 voters.
Hello! I just copy-pasted the recipe from the website I used to make it :) I didn´t use an electric mixer, and just mixed with my hands, which I think works fine too.
Here is the link if you prefer that too.

Chocolate salami (a.k.a. Salame di cioccolato)
Preparation: 30 mins
No cooking required
Difficulty: Easy

This dessert is very popular amongst the Italian families and it is usually eaten with coffee, after lunch. It is sometimes served as dessert in trattorias, especially in those rural trattorias you can find along the Po river at the border between Lombardy and Emilia Romagna regions of Italy. There are many variations of the theme, of course, and this is down to the local culinary customs, as always happens in Italy. It's a rustic dessert that probably would never find a place in those fancy restaurants, but it is very good to eat and this is what really matters!


  • 300 g (11 oz) Rich tea biscuits
  • 150 g (5 oz) Butter (unsalted)
  • 100 g (4 oz) Dark chocolate (I have used 85% cocoa)
  • 100 g (4 oz) Sugar
  • 2 Eggs (see note 1 below)
  • 30 ml (1 fl oz) Dark rum
  • OPTIONAL: see note 2 below
Note 1: this is a dessert containing raw eggs, so be sure you buy fresh, top quality eggs.
Note 2: as an option, try adding 40 g (1 ½ oz) of citrus peel and double the quantity of rum.


Cut the butter into pieces and let it warm to room temperature.

Break the chocolate bar into pieces and put them into a small bowl. Melt the chocolate using the bain Marie method.

While melting the chocolate, stir with a spoon to be sure that there are no lumps. When the chocolate is completely melted, set the bowl aside and let the chocolate cool a little.

Put the biscuits into a large bowl.

Break the biscuits using the back of a spoon; make them into crumbs.

When the butter is soft, work it with an electric whisk for few seconds and then start adding the ingredients as shown next (you can add all these ingredients without stopping to whisk).

Add the sugar.

Add the eggs.

Whisk for few seconds.

Add the melted chocolate.

Whisk for few seconds.

Add the rum and whisk again for few seconds.

Pour the mixture into the large bowl containing the biscuit crumbs. If using citrus peel, add this now.

With a spoon, work the mixture until all the biscuit crumbs are completely coated with the chocolate mixture.

The result should be a chocolate dough.

Take the dough and make the shape of a salami. Put the chocolate salami onto a layer of cling film and then wrap it with the film.

When wrapping, press the chocolate salami to make it compact. Then seal the sides and put the chocolate salami in the fridge for a couple of hours.

After a couple of hours, you can slice your chocolate salami and serve it with coffee or tea.

Enjoy it!